1763-1843), a Russian archaeologist, historian, palaeographer, an artist, a high official (Secretary of state, member of the State Council). Between 1804 and honorary member of the Academy of arts, 1817 — its President, and in 1811 the Director of the Petersburg public library. As a scientist Olenin mainly engaged in Russian history and archeology (“Ryazan Russian antiquities”, 1831, “the Experience of clothes, weapons, manners, customs and degree of enlightenment of the Slavs”, 1832, etc.). Most known for his “Letter to count A. I. Musin-Pushkin about the stone of Tmutarakan...” (1806), marked the beginning of Russian scientific paleography and epigraphy. Olenin made up of newspaper Chronicles.
(A. Milov)
1817 -President of the Academy of arts. From 1827 - member of the State Council. On arrival in Petersburg in 1819 George Dawe has established an ongoing relationship with the Academy of arts. In the autumn of 1820, DOE presented paintings, brought from abroad, on the academic exhibition, but after which was admitted to the honorary obschniki free. Official contacts with the Academy of arts inevitably led to communication English painter's President -A. N. Olenin. Relations were of a friendly character, which largely contributed to the keen interest of A. N. Venison and his family to the English culture, manifested, in particular, in correspondence with many London-based correspondents. in their children's education, which included learning English and travel to England. House, A. N. Venison was one of the cultural centers of St. Petersburg. "In the living room... venison almost every day met a few writers and artists... Here is commonly imported all the literary news... news of the theaters, the books, the paintings" (Ivan Andreevich Krylov in portraits, illustrations, documents. M.-L., 1966. P. 108). Reindeer have been A. S. Pushkin, N. M. Karamzin, K. N. Batyushkov, O. A. Kiprensky, F. P. Tolstoy, K. P. Bryullov and others In this house have been George. DOE received after the opening of the Military gallery of the Winter Palace in December 1826 widely known. Manifestation of an established relationship was a joint trip venison. Dou and A. S. Pushkin in may, 1828 on pyroscaphe on the Gulf of Finland (G. B. Andreev, A. S. Pushkin and George DOE. New page. // Artist. 1989, No. 6. P. 58, 61).