Fedorovich Pernz (Pernits)

Ukraine • 1809−1881

Painter on glass; came from Ober-officer children; he received his artistic education in the Imperial Academy of Arts, where he was a pupil of Acad. Warnecke. In 1831, he received small and large silver medals for drawings from nature, and in the following year he was released from the Academy with the title of a free artist. From the 30th of October, 1836. p. were determined by the teacher of drawing school of the Imperial Porcelain factory. He participated with his works in decoration of exhibition halls products and in 1838, by order of the Cabinet of His Imperial Majesty, 1843, was engaged in painting on glass for the suburban palaces. When in 1845 he presented to the Academy of Arts one of these works with the image of Queen Alexandra, the former then in the exhibition of 1846, the Council of the Academy put it: "As Pernic for a successful experience in this kind of painting, we have hitherto new, worthy of encouragement, and to give His Imperial Highness the President to intercede for him, His Imperial Majesty, blagoustroeniyu His Imperial Highness". After P. had played the altar window in St. Isaac's Cathedral with the icon of Christ's Resurrection, and on 4 June 1855 in health, he retired with a pension at 190 p. a year and a lump-sum benefit in the amount of 570 p., formed the annual salary of his salary. (Cumans)

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