Nikitich Panin

Russia • 1876−1963

Biography and information

Archive: Dnipropetrovsk HMM, 11 units HR., 1937— 1950.

Honored worker of Ukraine. Born in 1877 in Russia in the village of Protasovo, Kaluga province. Was uchilas at the St. Petersburg Academy of art. with Professor V. E. Savinsky, finished in 1911, Then for the painting "the terrible Secret away before the guardsmen" was the title of the artist. He exposed his paintings at a Spring Academic exhibition ("Portrait of druzini", "Svitanok", "After domu", "Kurgan"). С1925 years the artist lives in Dnepropetrovsk, teaches at the art school and art studios. In 1947 was primal participation in the 10th exhibition of artists of Dnepropetrovsk, where he presented the painting "Portrait of Ilya Repin, Portrait of Pavel Chistyakov". In the regional art exhibition 1954-exhibited "Portrait", "portrait of the wife". The artist died in Odessa in 1963.