(24.01/5.02/1889 - 21.03.1947) graduated with Lavdanski Smolensk branch of Moscow archaeological Institute, and worked in Smolensk, studied the ancient monuments of Smolensk, Vitebsk, Polotsk, combining archaeological and architectural research. I. M. Koserow published 17 scientific papers and over 100 scientific and popular articles and notes in periodicals, codified hallmarks of ancient bricks (plinthoi). In the early 1930s, suffered political persecution, but found the strength to return to science, preserved the faith in yourself. In 1941 the bombardment of Smolensk by German aircraft killing all his property, and a huge library of books, manuscripts, drawings. After the evacuation, in 1944, he returned to work at the Academy of architecture of the USSR, and then in the Office of architectural Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the BSSR, and BSSR AI.
Among researchers of ancient monuments of Smolensk architecture name of Ivan Makarovich Hauserova is one of the most honorable places. A man of "exceptional hard work and dedication to the study and protection of monuments" called it the prominent Soviet scientists N. N. Voronin and P. A. Rappoport. Ivan Makarovich Hazurov was born on 24 January (5 February) in 1889 in Smolensk in the family of Cooper. In 1907 he graduated from the Smolensk real school, then art school in St. Petersburg.
Then Koserow entered the Warsaw Polytechnic Institute, but financial difficulties and an insatiable thirst for art lead him to the Smolensk branch of Moscow archaeological Institute.
Since 1918 Koserow works of art and archaeological subdivision of the Smolensk lips IT in 1923 with P. D. Baranovsky and D. S. Shiryaev, he begins to study the ancient monuments of Smolensk architecture. Under the leadership Hauserova from 1926 to 1929, work is underway on the restoration of the Peter and Paul Church and fortress wall. Examination of the three surviving Smolensk monuments of pre - Mongolian architecture of the churches of Peter and Paul, John the Evangelist and the Archangel Michael, a small archaeological exploration of the ruins of the resurrection Church and the Spassky monastery, the unknown temple on a Small Rachivka and pillarless Church on Cathedral hill, and other buildings allowed Hauserova not only to establish some features of their structure and appearance, but also come to the conclusion about the influence of architectural schools of Smolensk, Polotsk and Chernigov.
Just on the basis on the basis of own researches and data of other researchers inquiring scientist found that in XII-XIII centuries in Smolensk was built at least 27 stone temples. At the same time Koserow is engaged in the active study of ancient monuments of the Polotsk and Vitebsk, deliberately highlighting the Belarusian architecture as an independent.
In the years of Stalinist repression, the scientist is forced to constantly live in Smolensk, which allowed him to avoid the tragic fate of many of his Belarusian colleagues. But stay in Smolensk was not serene. In November 1928 in the newspaper "work path" staff Smolenkova state regional Museum condemned "the cooperation of the inspector, gubono for I. M. Ozerova in the book "Seminarium Kondakovianum", Prague, 1928, vol. 2 (the Russian historian of Byzantine and old Russian art academician N. P. Kondakov V. A.) and its relation to organ of the scientific society of the same name, is clearly supporting anti-Soviet tendencies".
Hauserova attempts to explain the publication in the foreign collection of his article "New data on monuments of architecture of Smolensk" purely scientific purposes edition found unconvincing. Than could at that time to end for the scientist the emergence of the regional party newspaper notes with the subheading "cooperation in the emigre journal is unacceptable for a Soviet citizen" to speak of.
Just by Heteronym was published 17 scientific papers on architecture of Belarus and Smolensk. Exceptional value it is the study of signs and marks on the bricks of the temples of Smolensk, made in natural size.
A real tragedy was the death of all manuscripts, drawings and dimensioned drawings Hauserova during the Nazi bombing of Minsk from 24 to 26 June 1941. A few days later the duplicate graphic materials, archive and library of the scientist died in the fire the destroyed Smolensk.
In 1946 Koserow moved to Minsk. He still takes part in expeditions of the USSR Academy of Sciences survey monuments beloved of Polotsk. But, his health already undermined by hard work and марта1947 21 years he died. Obituary in memoriam-the ascetic wrote to N. N. Voronin.
(V. M. Anikeev. To the 115th anniversary of birthday)
Koserow I. M. Belarusian Smolensk and architecture of XI-XIII centuries / I. M. Koserow.- Minsk: Navuka and techno, 1994.- 150 C.
Koserow I. M. a Monument of the early Italian Renaissance of the 13th century from the collection of the Smolensk State historical-ethnographic Museum / I. M. Koserow Monuments of art in the collections of the Smolensk state Museum.- Smolensk: Izd. Smolen. state museums and Hubona, 1924.- S. 3-16.
Budaev and D. I. Koserow Ivan Kravchuk / D. I. Budaev // Smolensk oblast: ENCYCLOPAEDIA.- Smolensk, 2001.- Vol. 1: Personnel.- S. 265.
[Koserow I. M.] // Voronin N. N. Architecture of Smolensk XII-XIII centuries.// N. N. Voronin, P. A. Rappoport.- L.: Nauka, 1979.- S. 18-20.
Koserow Ivan Kravchuk // Smolensk: Times. ENCYCLOPAEDIA.- Smolensk, 1994.- S. 423-522.