Nikolayevich Tsapenko

Russia • 1883−1941

(06.04.1883, Zhizdra - 19.07.1941,Moscow)

Since the 90-ies of the 19th century lived in Smolensk. Studied at the Stroganov art school in Moscow. Published a book of his poems (1902). In 1905 he participated in the roar. the events in Moscow on Krasnaya Presnya. After graduating from the school of painting, sculpture and architecture returns to Smolensk (1910), where he wrote the scenery for shows, going to the scene of the Noble Assembly and in the people's house; acts as an actor. Since 1911, serves as a soldier of the Sofia infantry. shelf. Tsapenko with Alperovich, Kireev, Lewartowski participated in the construction of the monument to the heroes of the regiment of St. Sophia, the author of the project of which he was himself. As part of this same regiment had gone in 1914 to the front where he was captured. After the October revolution Tsapenko returned to Smolensk, where he worked as a painter in the Studio of fine arts and the Council of the Proletkult as an artist in the theatre politprosvet of subventionata and the club of the political Department of the Western front. In 1920 travels to the front with studs in train "Soldier". Tsapenko in 1921 he moved to Moscow, where he continued to paint. The most famous works of "Old tower", "the old Man".

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