Dmitrievich Baranovsky

Russia • 1892−1984

(15.II.1892, Dorogobuzh district of Smolensk region-12.VI.1984, Moscow)

An outstanding restorer, honored artist of the RSFSR, who gave his life to the revival of monuments of architecture. Combining the qualities of architect, archaeologist, painter and historian, Baranowski during his long life was restored about 80 monuments, researched and compiled projects for the restoration of more than 70 monuments. He restored the monuments of Kolomna near Moscow, Vladimir, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Alexander settlement, Orego-Polish, Chernigov, Smolensk and other places. In 20 years, organized the restoration of the Boldin monastery in the Dorogobuzh district of the Smolensk region, and then, after world war II, he began work on the restoration literally from the ruins of this wonderful monument of the XVI century, blown up by the Nazis (still ongoing). Project Baranovsky and supervision of the restored Church of the XII century Peter and Paul in Smolensk, he made a restoration project of the Svirskaya Church (XII century), conducted research in preparation for the restoration Odigitrievsky Church in Vyazma.

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