Nikolayevich Skobelev

Russia • born in 1952

Biography and information

Thesis in the CVC - "Lenin", the rating is good. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of artist-painter, teacher.

Lit.: Chelyabinsk: encyclopedia / comp.: V. S. Oh, V. A. Chernozema. - Chelyabinsk, 2001. - S. 748 - 749.

(R. 31.03.1952, village of Loksa, Estonia), painter, member. Union of artists of Russia (1993). In 1983 he graduated from Leningrad. of arts. in-t im. I. E. Repin studied at the Nar. hood. Of the USSR, Professor V. M. Oreshnikov, honored. hood. Of the USSR V. V. Pimenov. 1987 C. lives in the People. Since 1990, participating in region, zones. and resp. exhibitions. Works in all DOS. the genres of easel painting: thematic issues. painting, portrait, landscape, still life. C. call the master of the Urals. landscape. His works. a variety of motives, mood; compelling, emotion., recognizable. For mn. work is characterized by the symbolism of the images. Their babytobee, unirem. nature allows the artist to give a deep contain. the assessment of the topic. The paintings on the allegorical., mythologic. themes, stories from the Bible and the gospel reveal, etic. the position of ed., his reflections on good and evil, about the world of man. relationship. Persons. the exhibition has on display in the Exhibition hall, JOSH Russia in 1992, 1998, 2000 (exhibit “Road to the sea”). In 1995, an exhibition of landscapes in the exhibition hall of the cultural Foundation and in Person. geologich. Museum (see Museum of geological and mineralogical). Work with. are in private collections in Russia, Germany, Israel, Canada, and Finland.

(author: L. N. Skobeleva)

Lit.: Nikolaeva L. Dye Ural spring // HF. 1995. June 16; L. Panfilova Smear and forever // CR. 1996. 6 Nov.; Victor Skobelev: Painting: Cat. CA. H., 1998; Shestakova L. When something does not work – there is nothing to blame on life // HF. 1998. May 27; Victor Skobelev. The road to the sea Painting: Cat. CA. H, 2000.