Petrovich Filatov

Georgia • 1875−1956

Biography and information

Ophthalmologist and surgeon with a world name. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR and the Academy of medical Sciences of the USSR. Hereditary doctor, a doctor's son and nephew of the famous physician Neal Filatov, was descended from a noble family. Developed methods plastics — skin of the stem, corneal transplantation, tissue therapy, created the doctrine of biogenic stimulators. Renowned clinic and the Institute in his name in Odessa, and the name of the scientist they were issued during his lifetime.

Was also a painter and a poet, dabbled in a fantastic novelistic ("Statuette from Tanagra"), in poems describing his travels, particularly in Armenia and Georgia, magazine "Science and life" placed his poetry. At times in his poetry was interwoven with Russian fairy-tale, even bilignost. Mention of the steppes and hunting absolutely autobiographical. Academician was really interested in their young years hunting. There were days when he's at his dacha on the French Boulevard has adopted a circle of women who read poetry, loyal to his wife, the second wife, V. Skorodinskaya is time Filatov on these nights is removed, so as not to embarrass his presence fans academician...

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