Andreevich Neyasov

Russia • 1926−1984

(14.07.1926, der. Makarivka of the Boldovsky district in the Mordovian ASSR – 7.10.1984, Chelyabinsk), painter, member. CX USSR (1948). In 1943 he graduated from the nursery of arts. school in Saransk. Teachers N. were leading the Mordovian painters and graphic. In 1943-45 he worked POM. driver Ruzaevka St. Kuibyshev railway. D. In 1947, without completing the Mosk. region of arts. Uch-school, returned to Saransk. Since 1951, the People. In 1968-70 he was elected corresponding member. of the Board of CASH of the RSFSR. Party. and the mountains. of arts. exhibitions since 1951 (Person, zones. 1– 3, 5, 6th), all-Union. of arts. exhibition (Moscow, 1954, 1958), resp. of arts. exhibitions (Moscow, 1949, 1953, 1967, 1978), resp. of arts. exhibitions of artists of Mordovia Republic (Saransk, 1947-49), the exhibition production. 10 artists of the Autonomous republics (Kazan, 1950), exhibition production. hood. Person. (Voroshilovgrad, 1982), the exhibition “Artists of Chelyabinsk” (Moscow, 1989). Persons. N. held: 1 (1977) – COCH, 2 (1977) – in the theater of CHTZ (Person), 3-I (1980) – K/t “Ural” (Person), 4th and 5th (1986) – COCH and Rep. of arts. Museum. S. D. Erzya (Saransk). The most well-known production. N. in easel, the monument.-decorative painting is the “Portrait of the storyteller the folk Bezzubova” (1948), “development of a new process” (1953), “Mountain of ore” (1954), “Portrait of the honored artist of Russia singer Vladimir Skorina” (1966), “Portrait of people's artist of the RSFSR, conductor, I. zaka” (1966), “Portrait of the honored artist of the RSFSR ballerina L. Rutenko” (1966), “Guardsmen of the 63rd Ural volunteer tank brigade” (1979), “On the construction of the first five years” (1984), panels “Harvest” (1950), mural “Reindeer” (1964). Proizv. N. are in museums and maps. Gal. Russia. About the work of N. filmed Mordovian Studio (1986). Awarded the medal “For valiant labor in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945”.

V. I. Titov

Lit.: Buy L. P. South Ural Artists. L., 1963; S. I. Zagrebin Grateful memory of the people / S. I. Zagrebin,V. S. Kolpakov. H, 1973;Artists Of Chelyabinsk. H, 1979; P. Y. Fominykh About friends and comrades: Zap. sculptor. H, 1989; Chelyabinsk organisation of the Union of artists of Russia, 1936-1991: Right. / AVT.-comp. O. A. Kudzaev. H, 1996.

V. A. Neyasov born into a peasant family in the village Makarovka of the Boldovsky district of Mordovia. He nationality Mordvin (Moksha). From childhood he had an irresistable craving for the arts. From the age of twelve Basil begins regular art classes in the Studio of the Mordovian artists (1938-1940), in the children's art school in Saransk teachers M. V. Levitin, B. P. Ermilova, M. A. Semineu, M. A. Facina (1940-1945). In the beginning of the war, a talented young man brought to the creation of theatrical scenery under the direction of M. A. Seminoe and B. I. Rolenko-Rijenco in the Mordovian musical-drama theatre. This school shaped the artistic attitude Niyazova. In the 1960s, living and working in Chelyabinsk, he wrote a series of theatrical portraits of the soloists - dancers, singers, musicians, then the newly opened theatre of Opera and ballet named after M. I. Glinka. And today, his portraits of L. Rutenko, V. Nikopolskoe, V. Skorina, I. Zack - precious scenic and deep psychological characteristics of artists, artists that V. A. Neyasov served with love and great passion.

His path to art was not smooth: the time was severe. So, in the last years of the war he had to work as an engineer on the railroad, in 1945-1947 he studied at the Moscow art school memory of 1905 (the teachers - known VN. Baksheyev, N. N. Nikonov, N. S. Kazachkin). In 1948 Neyasov recognized as a current professional artist at the age of 22 he joined the Union of artists of the USSR.

In Chelyabinsk V. A. Neyasov lived and worked from 1951-New industrial theme is not only a tribute to the time, but the result of a great creative work of the artist for the study of the new nature. He has written a huge number of studies in pipe rolling plant in Chelyabinsk, in the mines of Kopeysk, in the iron ore district of Bakal. The painting "the Development of a new process" 1953 (is in the collection of Chelyabinsk region picture gallery) has become a kind of generalization of these observations. Shown more than half a century later in the halls of the gallery in the exhibition devoted to the 60th anniversary of the great Victory, it defines the artist's place among the leading artists of the country at that time.

His artistic credo was embodied in the spirit of the Russian realistic tradition: large scale paintings multiplicity of the composition, genre treatment of the subject, his literary development.

Labor rhythm of big plants Niyazova inspired to write a series of paintings depicting industrial themes: "Coal Country," "Innovators," "Presentation of the banner of the best team of Kopeysk of the miners", etc.

Thirst for learning new things in life and in art never left Niazova the rest of his short life. The belief has strengthened work in the academic dacha named after I. E. Repin in 1953 under the leadership of respected in the artistic environment, truthful artists A. Levitin, V. Gavrilov.

A lot of new experiences and ideas gave the artist visits in 1963 and 1965 in Central Asia. He saw a different space, majestic mountain panoramas and valleys, mirages in the desert. The coloristic range of his works became more complicated and refined themselves. A large number of landscapes, picturesque sketches differentiates the value of genuine freedom, elegance and decorative splendor.

The artist was simultaneously developed in different directions. The artistic sense finds embodiment in the elegance of the picturesque solutions, courageous civic - in large historical paintings of the type "At the rear of the whites. Hike the South Urals guerrillas under the command of V. K. Blucher", the diorama "Battle on the mountain Carting" in Verkhneuralsk (1963-1969). A large number of sketches of composition options paintings and dioramas shows that behind them is a big job: Vasily Andreyevich examined the historical documents, was on the way to the Ural partisan, live in the scenery, conversing with old men who remembered events of the Civil war. He has accumulated emotional baggage that has helped him psychologically to survive and pass on the canvas the grandeur of the liberation movement. Portraits of the heroes of the great Patriotic war performed strongly and reliably. One of the most success - "portrait of a battalion commander of the 63rd Chelyabinsk volunteer tank brigade M. G. Akinshina" (1974).

The artist left an impressive legacy. One of the most significant topics that occupied him since childhood and went through the entire creative life, is the theme of the last of his people. V. A. Neyasov sketched, studied the Ethnography of the Mordvinians and other peoples of the Volga region museums, read a lot of historical literature. The artist's imagination was dreaming of the XVI century: the territory where his ancestors lived, became part of the Russian state. Work on a huge canvas (approximately 4 x 7 m) was slowly, gradually and resulted in the creation of cardboard to the size of the intended picture. In the artist's Studio left a large number of costumes and sketches from the chosen characters of the future picture, a multitude of studies, which gradually was finding a single composite solution, when it is not Ivan the terrible in a blood red Royal garb, and people in bright traditional costumes, with huge lush loaf of bread and a barrel of Mead, welcoming and upbeat-excited, takes the viewer on a joyous feast of friendship and unity for centuries. The characters in the movie come to us from historical distant to recall that the unity of the peoples, mutual respect, live and work together - the great wisdom of history, which provides an extension of it.

The artist managed to carry out his plan - to create a main picture. The legacy of the artist has largely dispersed to museums and private collections, including abroad.

In the artistic culture of the Chelyabinsk 1950-1970-ies V. A. Neyasov - the figure is striking and significant. He was a collector and Creator of talents and talented initiatives. Vasily came up with the idea to create on the edge of Chelyabinsk, a town of artists with houses, workshops and the first built his house in the village on the North-Crimean. There are several such estates. In the future, the opening of the Museum house of the artist, the first in the history of Chelyabinsk, must take place in the house-workshop of V. A. Neyasov, an artist with an optimistic Outlook, as many left descendants in the art, in the formation of the artistic environment of Chelyabinsk.

(the author - G. S. Trifonova)


The CATALOG of personal exhibition of Vasily Andreyevich Niyazova devoted to 50-anniversary of birth and 30th anniversary of creative activity. Painting, drawing / comp. and ed. article V. S. Semenov. - Chelyabinsk, 1978. - 28 S.

Exhibition of the works of Chelyabinsk painter, member of the Union of artists of the USSR Vasily Andreevich Niyazova: directory. - Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk. worker. - 1980. - 10.

VASILI Andreevich Neyasov, 1926-1984. Painting, drawing, watercolor: cat. CA. / sost.: O. V. Gladysheva, G. S. Trifonova. - Chelyabinsk, 1985. - 47 S.

Art. 20th century. Chelyabinsk / comp. and ed. introd. article by L. A. Sabelfeld. - Chelyabinsk, 1996. - 142 p.

C. 4, 141: VA Leasowe; pp. 41 - 43: Reproductions of his paintings "forget-me-nots and irises", "Portrait of ballerina L. Radenko", "a Portrait of his daughter Oli".

CHELYABINSK organisation of the Union of artists of Russia / ed. for vol. M. A. Commissioners; introd. St. L. P. violent. - Chelyabinsk, 1996. - 112 p.

P. 54: Reproductions of paintings V. A. Neyasov.

TITOV, V. I. Neyasov Vasili Andreevich // Chelyabinsk: encyclopedia. - Chelyabinsk, 2001. - P. 572 - 573.

CHELYABINSK organisation of the Union of artists of Russia, 1936-1991: a Handbook / ed.-comp. O. A. Kudzaev. - 1996. - 342 p.

P. 179 - 183: V. A. Neyasov.

BUY L. P. South Ural Artists. - Leningrad, 1963. - 166 p.

P. 75, 79, 80: The Work Of V. A. Neyasov.

RADCHENKO, E. "Love and disappointment, delight and compassion" // Autograph (Chelyabinsk-art). - 1999. - № 1. - P. 54 - 56.

About the exhibitions of works by V. A. Neyasov.

TRIFONOVA, Beautiful Noises of Neaniskoi settlement: art. dynasty

// Autograph (Chelyabinsk-art). - 2003. - № 2. - P. 36 - 39.

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