Igorevich Petrov

Russia • born in 1966

Biography and information

Was born in the city of Yeniseisk in Krasnoyarsk region. After finishing school he entered the Yenisei pedagogical school at the art - graphic Department. Since 1986 he worked as a drawing teacher in high school, in 1987 - 1989 - at the station of young technicians with the head of ship modeling club. He graduated from art - graphic faculty of the Novosibirsk pedagogical Institute. In 1992 he moved to Rubtsovsk. Since 1994 worked in a children's art school. Passed training courses at the Moscow "Master class". Since 1999 - artist - designer of the city Museum. Participant of the regional youth exhibition (Barnaul, 1995), the exhibition "Winter fair" (Rubtsovsk, 1999 - 2000), as well as exhibitions in Gornyak (1998).

  • Learning