Mikhailovich Eropkin

Russia • 1698−1740

Biography and information

From children of the nobility. Sent by Peter I to Italy to study. From 1716 to 1723, studied at SEB. Cipriani and FR. Borromini. Upon return participated in the competition to design a Palace in the Transfiguration near Moscow. The project Eropkin was adopted and implemented (with amendments). In 1737— the main architect "of the Commission on St. Petersburg construction" in the rank of Hofbauer-tendant and the Colonel. The head of the first real master plan of St. Petersburg, were Engaged in the drainage of the city and strengthening of its embankments. Made jointly with I. K. Korobov and M. G. Zemtsov first Russian architectural treatise "the position of the architectural expedition". Translated individual chapters of the treatise A. Palladio "Four books about architecture". Made with a group of Cabinet Secretary of the A. P. Volynsky against "Biron" and was executed.

Built Eropkin was not preserved. He is credited with the manor house of Bruce in Glinki near Moscow.

History of Russian architecture. SPb., Stroyizdat SPb., 1994. S. 568


After the first "pensioners" Peter's training in Italy, he worked mostly in St. Petersburg.

Was Director and chief mastermind of the Petersburg Commission structure. When drafting Commission of the new General plan of the capital Eropkin developed the layout of the Admiralty side. Eropkin developed the project plan and other parts of St. Petersburg, which defined the real path of development of the city.

Work Eropkin in the Commission describe him as an outstanding city planner and the first Russian theorist. A supporter of classical architectural science Eropkin for the first time translated into Russian language individual chapters of the treatise, Palladio about architecture. He began work on compiling a set of practical and theoretical principles of Russian architecture, completed after his death and called "the position of the architectural expedition". As a patriot, Eropkin joined a group of Volyn, who fought against Biron; together with Volyn, he was arrested and executed on 27 June 1740