Was a painter Grigory Fedorovich Shukaev, that is, a practitioner: I saw with my own eyes, then tried to transfer to canvas. His love of painting started at a Mature age, when for seven years (1843-1850) was a volunteer at the Academy of fine arts. However, he had by this time certain skills in building and painting the battle scenes and in 1845 received a small silver medal for the painting "the Battle of Lucien". In 1850, Mr. Shukaev was awarded the title of class artist. In subsequent years he created a number of paintings of scenes of contemporary warfare. Some of them were successful and were eagerly bought by fans of battle painting. For example, written in 1862, the painting "the Military camp in the Caucasus" is now stored in the Russian Museum. Pure battle genre — not a carrot for the artist. It requires special eye, skill, perception. G. F. Shukaev did not become a great painter, but over the years his skills honed and perfected. Exhibited in 1873 at the academic exhibition of painting "the actions of the life guards regiment of Finland in Vilnius province..." brought the artist to be a success for it he was awarded the title of class artist third degree.