In 1994 graduated from the Moscow School of Art crafts specialty artist in painting fabric .
In 1995 he joined the faculty of scenography of the Russian Academy of Theatre Arts and graduated with a diploma in 2000 on a speciality “artist-Director”.
In the period from 1997 to 2000 participated in the creation of films performances exhibitions.
Latest project - a children's show in the city of Podolsk .
1997 - exhibition of student work in theatre of a name of Stanislavsky.
1999 – the film “news” Director I. Hotinenko.
1999 – freelance photojournalist RTR on the filming of the Christmas Lights .
2000 – performance “the Love of don Perlimplin“ in the Central Academic Theatre of the Russian Army, Director Samir Usman.
2000 – feature film “the Face of French nationality” Director I. Hotinenko.
2000 – performance “Flint” the city of Podolsk , Director I. M. Inyutin.
2000 - exhibition of a theatrical suit in the house of Ostrovsky, of the Union of Theatrical figures.