Academician of the Imperial Academy of fine arts in painting historical and portrait; b. in St. Petersburg, about 1826, the son of a Barber. In 1846 Term attended classes at the Academy of fine Arts as volnoprihodyaschego student. Success in art and talent, he drew the attention of the Academy, which the Board, through the Vice-President of count F. P. Tolstoy, interceded in 1849 to dismiss him from the St. Petersburg workshop of society, as this dismissal was necessary to obtain the title of artist and in General for the smooth completion of the course; the St. Petersburg Duma, the General condition of the layoffs have put the administration of the family of the deceased Johann Cerma, consisting of Peter Carma and two of his brothers, conscription. This condition was soon fulfilled, so that in 1850 Term received the title of artist. At the Academy of Arts Term studied simultaneously with Lagorio, Notbecome, Briullov, Kryukov, Cricket and in 1849 they received the award: for "portrait from life" silver medal of the second dignity. According to Professor L. Lagorio, this is a very rare event in the life of the Academy of Arts to the figure's head was issued a silver medal, according to the memoirs of a distinguished Professor, Cerm was an amazing draughtsman with plaster heads, so his drawings were even put in the originals as a role model. On leaving the Academy Term, in his own words, constantly engaged in "the practice and teaching private lessons in drawing and painting", but more detailed information about his teaching activity. Of independent work submitted to the Academy of Arts only painting "Miser and death" for which the Academy awarded him 25 September 1856 the title of academician; and of his other works is not known. In 1857 Term asked about his appointment to the position of the teacher in drawing the original class at the Academy of fine Arts; however, he was denied this for lack of jobs. It is unknown in which year Termo managed to ask them a place at the Academy where he had been a teacher in the class plaster heads up to 1863, when he was replaced in the autumn of the same year, I. N. Kramskoy. Ilya Repin, a former student Cerma in the class masks and ornaments, says only that archaeology is not like Zermou and Zhukovsky, who taught in the same class with Sermom, but here it is impossible to derive any precise knowledge of the qualities Cerma as a teacher or an artist; as little said against ARMA and the failure of his attempts to get to the place of associate of the Academy on the death of academician Voinov. Term died, apparently, in 1867, as in the lists of academics for 1868, he has not shown. "Material for the history of the Academy of Arts" (Cumans)