Born in the city of Smolensk.
1970 Lecturer at the Comenius teacher-training colleges.
1974 – 1987 Lecturer, Department of drawing of the Smolensk state pedagogical Institute.
1987 - 1992 artist – restorer of the Smolensk state historical and art Museum – reserve.
1992 - 1995 Acting head of the restoration Department of the Smolensk Museum – reserve.
Certified 1992 by the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation as an artist – restorer of easel tempera painting P category.
1995-present Head of the restoration Department of the Smolensk Museum – reserve.
2001 Member of Union of artists of Russia. Over the period of the artist – restorer in the Smolensk Museum – reserve Kozhevnikov V. I. restored over 100 icons of great historical value. Best restored works were exhibited at exhibition "Patrons of Russia (1991, Smolensk), the art exhibition" the Saved saints " (2000, Smolensk), the art exhibition "the Holy defenders of Russia" ( 2000, Smolensk).
More than 20 years Kozhevnikov, V. I., participates in regional art exhibitions as a painter.