Born in the village of Kazan the Kazan district of the Tyumen region.
1987-Graduated from art-graphic faculty of the Smolensk state pedagogical Institute. Karl Marx.
1987-1989 Lecturer of Studio art of the Smolensk branch of the Russian Fund of culture, the city of Smolensk.
1998 member of the Union of artists of Russia.
1998 to present Teacher of icon painting in the Orthodox Smolensk inter-diocesan Seminary.
Since 1994 participant of regional art exhibitions.
1995 Art exhibition "Teacher and pupils", Smolensk.
1998 Exhibition of Smolensk artists "the world through the eyes of a woman", Smolensk.
Exhibition of Smolensk artists in the administration of the Smolensk region, Smolensk.
2000 all-Russian exhibition of works of teachers and students of art – graphic faculty , Moscow .
2000 international exhibition of Smolensk artists in Vitebsk (Republic of Belarus) .
2003 international exhibition of Smolensk painters in Orsha (Belarus ) .
Work Krivchenkov I. V. are kept in private collections in Russia, Germany, Italy, and Poland.