Born in the village of Varville Penza province, studied in AHM (1926-1928) and MVHPU (1930-1933). Performed samples of toys and decorative sculpture for the farm "Bogorodsky Carver" (1930). The author of the monumental sculpture "V. I. Chapaev" (Moscow, 1933), "the border Guard with a dog" (Moscow, VDNH, 1953). Participant of exhibitions (since 1935). Executed a number of samples of porcelain (figurine "pioneer with foal", "Deer", 1947) and stone (sculpture "polar bear" paperweight "Lying tiger", 1952). Created the model for Kasli art casting: sculptural group "on the way to school" (1935), "Watch" (1939), "Partisan on a horse" (1944), the sculpture "Moose" (1946), etc.