A portrait painter, the pupil and the pensioner of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, fortress vol. Potemkin. He was educated at the Academy of Arts; and in 1782, the drawings and lalanie from nature and architectural drawings awarded a silver medal; in 1785 he received the first silver medal for sculpting from life and a small gold — "the writing program on a historical theme". In the same year, was released from the Academy with diploma of the artist, and the rank of the 14th class and assigned to shipments abroad, a pensioner (historical painting). Of his works are considered the best: 1) portrait of Catherine II, written in 1787 during the stay of Catherine in Kiev, the portrait of Catherine really liked it and its many distributed copies Zharkova and engraved black style by Walker; 2) portrait of his Highness kN. Gr. Alec. Potemkin-Tavrichesky (stored in the chamber Imp. Acad. HUD.); 3) portrait of Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov in old age (ibid.); 4) the Portrait of gr. Dmitriev-Mamonov, written in 1785. Sh died in the early 1800s. (See: D. A. Rovinsky, "Detailed dictionary of Russian engraved portraits")