
Germany • 1781−1841

Biography and information

A Native Of Prussia. Bright representative of classicism. The author of the project of the monument to Queen Louise for Marktplatze in Gransee (1811). Created sketches of decorative architectural elements (the console to the balconies, railings and grilles, staircase and front stairs), interior design projects in Berlin palaces for princes Charles (1826-1827) and Albrecht (1829-1830), sketches grills railings of the entrances at the Palace of Prince Charles and the Palace of Prince Friedrich in Berlin (1832). In his sketches performed both ornate hinged doors of the main portal Construction Academy (1831-1835). The drawings of Schinkel made at the Royal foundry railings so-called Castle bridge in Berlin with sea horses and tritons (1824), the railing of the bridge with marine deities in front of the terraces of sans Souci in Potsdam (1825) and the railing of the Old Royal Museum (1826). Productively worked to create models decorative items of bronze and iron for the Royal foundry in Berlin (1804-1873) who supplied samples for artistic foundries of Europe. The author of numerous models of decorative plates, vases, candlesticks, candelabra, and garden furniture-tables, sofas, armchairs and chairs. Member of the Academy of fine arts in Berlin (1818), Professor of the Academy of architecture (1822), the chief architect of Prussia. Honorary free member of the Imperial Academy of arts in St.-Petersburg (1834).