Nikolaevich Belyaev

Italia • 1816−1863

Situated as volnoprihodyaschego student, classes at the Academy of fine Arts, he in 1841 received the silver medal of 2 advantage for round the figure of clay, representing "a boy drinking water from a stream". In 1843, for the rank of the artist the sculpture he asked for the program to execute from life a bust of meeting Secretary Grigorovich under the supervision of Professor Vitali. In 1847, for from life the bust of Professor Aivazovsky he declared praise. In 1848, Belyaev recognized as assigned to the Academy and receiving the title of academician was asked to sculpt a full-scale model, "David young, the winner of Goliath". In the same year the Council, having considered the statue, Belyaev announced that "though the statue and it has advantages, but it is not brought to a perfect end, to provide it to finish and then submit for assessment on the production of it in academics". In 1849 Beliaev finally received the desired degree of academician for art and knowledge of it in the arts, proven produced by the programs. Currently, the statue of David from the Imperial Academy of Arts given to the Museum Imp. Alexander III. (Petrov, "the Collection of materials for history of Imp. Academy of Arts", vol II and III.)

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