I, Svetlana Stanislavovna Gunina, artist painting on enamel, was born may 20, 1954 in Vologda. In 1971 he finished secondary school № 1 of Vologda and entered the Yaroslavl art school, which graduated in 1975.
From 1975 to 1979 he worked as a teacher at children art school in the Falcon.
In 1979 he joined the graphic Department of the Leningrad state pedagogical Institute. A. I. Herzen (correspondence Department), graduating in 1985.
From 1979 to 1988 he worked as a graphic designer in the city of Vologda.
Since 1988 worked as an artist painting on enamel at the Vologda plant experienced and artistic products, where he began to master this difficult technique of painting on enamel.
First painted floral arrangements inserts for future brooches, earrings, pendants.
When we have learned to master the technique , and began to create independent work, where new decide flower arrangements, dabbled in landscape and genre scenes.
In 1992 he resigned from the factory and devoted himself entirely to creativity. During this time expanded the range of genres and themes in my work. Was created a series of works based on the traditions of ancient jewelry (jewellery sets–earrings and brooches, plates, boxes), bulk jewelry, with the use of painting on enamel. (Brooch bouquets). These works were created in collaboration with jeweler by Peninim Vladimir Anatolyevich (1957 — 1996).
In a purely picturesque works were portraits, icons, and continued work on the landscape.
In 1995 he was admitted as a member of the Union of artists of Russia.
Now, gain experience and confidence, creating a lot of work, and, after analyzing his career, I can confidently say that the painting on enamel, I completely switched to painting on enamel, to its classic variant — miniature, in which I create realistic landscapes and portraits. Try to each work was, in watercolor.
Participation in regional exhibitions since 1991
1992 — Republican exhibition "Russia — 8", Moscow.
1993 — art exhibition "Christmas", CHA, Moscow.
1996 (may) — Exhibition dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet, Vologda.
1996 (June) — Exhibition in the Studio of Grekov, dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Navy, Moscow.
1997 — 3rd Yaroslavl the exhibition of jewelry, Yaroslavl
1998 — regional exhibition "Russian North — 98", Kirov.
1999 — Festival "Intermuseum — 99", Moscow.
2000 — all-Russian exhibition "Spirituality, traditions, unity" ("your Name..."), Moscow.
2001 — Regional exhibition "Province–capital", Yaroslavl.
My works are in the collection of the Vologda Museum–reserve, Vologda picture gallery, Cherepovets Museum Association, the Totma regional Museum and in private collections of Vologda, Yaroslavl, Moscow, Netherlands, USA.