Before March 8 the work of the artist Tatyana Gorelysheva always in great demand, though from the lack of attention it and at another time does not suffer. But before the spring holidays flowers, cats and romantic scenery required from everyone and everywhere. Workshop Tatyana rapidly emptying because work is taken at once on many shows. They are all very bright, festive and good - just like they are people when they want once a year to congratulate their beloved women. The idea of the painting usually occur suddenly, when Tatiana sees something very beautiful: the sky, the light in the window, bouquet, dry grass, a cozy patio. And then there is a memory, or just state that you want to capture on canvas. “The main thing, - says the artist - not the plot, and the energy that exists around this story. See the picture, the person has to feel something, to remember the unseen”. After one of the exhibitions in Moscow, Tatiana sought out the customer pictures and said that the bouquet of dried flowers, painted by the artist, were once her own on the table and was associated with very deep memories. Still Tatyana Gorelysheva really is the mystery of lilac and mystical animals - cats. When the artist paints portraits, she wants people to see only their best features. Therefore, the sessions becoming sometimes a real revelation when people tell you that they haven't told anyone. “The exalted is in all men, just need to be able to see,” - says Tatiana. Interestingly, not only the mysterious Russian soul close pictures of the Vologda artist, but the poles, the British, and even Chinese delegation which came to Tatiana's home to invite her to Beijing. Tatiana joined the Union of artists of Russia only three years ago. And drawn for as long as he can remember. For many years she's been doing posters in the theater Lenkom, surprising fellow how such a small and fragile woman to cope with such huge images. Worked in the regional drama theatre. Then came personal and collective exhibitions. First, in Vologda, then regional, and then - in the various exhibition halls of Moscow. The most memorable - in the Supreme arbitration court, where she heard about his work a lot. It is interesting that after the exhibition she was invited back to celebrate the New..., 2002, where she has a host of friends.
(Article: Yushkova E. Flowers and cats by Tatiana Gorelysheva // Russian North. - 2002. - March 8. - S. 11.)