Anatolyevich Egorov

Biography and information

As a professional artist, Vladimir Egorov was formed in the late 60-ies in Leningrad and was brought up in its cultural traditions. Even during his studies at the art school he perfectly mastered the technique of drawing and initially gained fame as a graphic artist. In the 70-ies Vladimir Egorov was passionate about improving the graphic arts, paying particular attention to the drawing pen. An undoubted influence on his work was provided by the work of Durer, Bosch and Bruegel. The pen in his hand becomes an instrument, capable of transmitting smooth, melodious line. In these years the artist draws delicate, precise, thoughtfully and carefully, with first-class workmanship gives volume, angles, space. Many of his works devoted to the monuments of Vologda, the artist tries not only to convey the beauty of Northern landscapes, but also to create a new sense of life. His characteristic grotesque is not a purely formal method, it changes the proportions and volumes in order to identify the essence of the external world. It is not interested in the outer side of the depicted, and internal action. In 90-e years the artist goes on a journey searching for their aesthetics. Vladimir Egorov rarely talks about the content of his paintings and the sources of his inspiration. However, there is no doubt that a huge influence on him iconography, where it constantly draws its motives and methods. Each painting in recent years is endowed with an independent life (“Meeting”, “carrying the cross”, “Nicholas”, “Boris and Gleb”). The apparent simplicity of these compositions is extremely complex, the artist speaks to the audience in the language of colors, creates a special musical and colorful Symphony. Vladimir Egorov participated in over 20 all-Union, Republican and regional exhibitions, about 40 of his works are in the collections of the Vologda Museum-reserve and the regional art gallery. Petrova