Afrikanovich Malkov

The name of the artist Aleksandra Malkova is well known not only to every kirovchanin. It became the original card of the city and district. His paintings welcome dear guests, give them to the memory of loved ones, and alumni to their schools... They became an integral inhabitants of homes and institutions of haruchan, as well as many cities of Russia and abroad.

Alexander Afrikanovich was born in the Kharovsk, and here received his first drawing lessons at school. In the 70-ies hosted the first exhibition in the regional centers and Vologda. He met the famous Moscow artists and Vologzhanina, including people's artist of Russia Mikhail Abakumov and corresponding member of the Academy of arts V. Fears. The artist has a painting Studio in the House of crafts.

Landscape paintings live their own pathetic life, full of harmony of nature, give unforgettable lyrical mood. This is one of the main secrets of his art.

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