In another source date of birth: 1941-10-14
Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.
"Only to the superficial glance, the sky, forests, land, rivers live his eternal and immutable beauty, and nothing will disturb you. To see, to feel the sadness of the nature, hear her sighs from serious manifestations of human whims and desires, Sunny spills and the heat of summer, the new contents of heaven and earth this a real artist. Such a soft approach to the essence of nature I feel in the landscape Evgeny Shevchenko. Since he bought a house in the North of our region, in Tarnogsky district, he found his right path in art. Sketches, paintings, very small in size and attract with its quiet, meditation and wholeness. North breathing soul of the artist himself, feels that he fell in love with the mysteries of nature that can not all and not always."
(The artist Henry Asaph about the artist Evgenia Shevchenko)
To see and understand the secrets of nature are not for everyone. She gives so much talent only a chosen people. Among them is the famous artist of Vologda Yevgeny Sergeyevich Shevchenko, graphic artist, passed the test formalism and abstractionism and decided about 10 years ago to paint. According to Yevgeny Shevchenko, aware that any genre is difficult, the artist must not copy visible picture of the world, but to create something of their own, relying on valid. The main task of the artist is to perform the usual things in clear language and not lose their way. "The fragrance of flowers also need to portray," says the painter. The best proof of his "mental" pictures that Evgeny Shevchenko showed me in his Studio in the first place - "still life with globeflowers" unfinished and "still life with peonies". Wild flowers - a favorite plot of Shevchenko. His paintings close to nature, even nondescript weed plants emit an inexplicable beauty, enjoying life, which for many years extended the artist's brush. The love of nature inherent in the artist from childhood. Childhood Eugene Shevchenko was held in fabulous locations. No wonder the boy who was born and lived some time there, where did Repin, Surikov, Vrubel, Vasnetsov, became a wonderful artist. Little Jack caught carp on the pond, where once sat the famous Vasnetsov Alenushka and coexisted with the granddaughter of legendary Savva Mamontov, who returned from Paris turned 90-year milestone of his life. Evgeny Sergeevich Shevchenko was born in 1 947 year in the Moscow suburb of Abramtsevo, but considers himself a true Vologzhanin. The young artist, who graduated from the Yaroslavl art school, was influenced by the Vologda artists, first and foremost the Vladimir Korbakov. In the workshop Evgeny Shevchenko a lot of scenery, big and small ones, bright and modest. The talent of this artist lies in the ability to see the inconspicuous places of the Vologda region, blooming in his paintings.
Evgeny Shevchenko two workshops. One is located in the regional center, the second - in TARNOGSKIY rayon, which, according to the artist, not yet touched by civilization. The window workshop, attached to an old house out on the lawn, which sits migratory birds. The artist says that birds are not afraid of people, but to sneak up on him with his easel he did not manage, although it has long had the idea to paint a picture of "the Arrival".
Immediately after the lawn starts the forest ... close to the river Kokshenga. This is the world of the artist: the wonderful Northern nature, Top Spas, consisting of several villages, noting only that the 610-year-old utensils in the house, a special "Moscow" accent... I think this world is becoming cute and begins to seem familiar even to those who see the paintings of Evgeniy Shevchenko for the first time. Here is the artist's house and its interior, it is not changed for a hundred years - the painting "Festive evening". Scattered on a table, large cranberries, brought by the artist from the swamp, twilight makes me think about how we lived in this house in the beginning of the last century. Even in the Studio of the Vologda painter is a piece dear to the artist's hinterland - the area that creates the atmosphere of an old Moscow house. It has a bench with table, and an icon, and woven towels, and a silver bell. Shevchenko knows how to create a great working atmosphere and noise of the city, and sometimes frightening silence North of the village. The only true painter, he relates... the lack of canvas and brush. In fact, in a village hut to work very hard. First, through the small window not enough light penetrates, and secondly, not enough space to view the paintings from a distance, but it not only stops, but rather encouraging. Further pictures are welcomed into a spacious Studio, located in the city. Evgeny Shevchenko publishes his works on the walls and after some time she remakes them. In the apartment of the artist his paintings does not hold: they want to fix or change. No rest!
The most enjoyable for Evgeny Shevchenko stay connected with nature. He enjoys fishing and loves to collect mushrooms. Collecting mushrooms in TARNOGSKIY the forest, he chooses a theme for a new piece. It is about this art say that it is not necessary to explain. From the village paintings by Eugene Shevchenko emanates warmth, they are close to the common people and delight in its naturalness. Imagine yourself in the distant TARNOGSKIY edges, and has a dream to go there and see with your own eyes that are so appreciated by the artist. What can we say about urban landscapes Shevchenko, familiar to every Vologzhanin and at the same time seemingly in his paintings a new one. I remember the cold blue of the river and deep in the twilight of the Vologda Kremlin. A simple but unusual performance customary for the citizens of the species attracts attention. Leaf in the workshop Evgeny Shevchenko directories and find the area a different, black-and-white. The work of the 1970s and 80s graphics. "On the river Vologda", "Rafting", "Old house. Building on Engels street," which does not exist anymore. In these directories, released in capitals, Evgeny Shevchenko - the only representative of the artistic world of Vologda. Evgeny Shevchenko, Recalling the numerous exhibitions in which he then was, explains that before the artist's life was more eventful. Now the financial possibilities limit the participation in such events, but the artist Shevchenko can be proud of. In the winter of 2003 held three solo exhibitions, by the end of this year planned next, now he is preparing for the zonal exhibition, which was held last time in 1974 and will be opened in Vologda, and paints pictures for the exhibition dedicated to the anniversary Carnage.
When visiting exhibitions of artists such as Evgeny Shevchenko, we discover those "pieces" of the world, which sometimes in the bustle and not notice. Saw them once on the paintings, we begin to notice the nature of fines, elevates mood and makes us kinder. Ordinary walk through the city the walk turns into a journey to the origins of the secrets of nature, becomes a joyous time of fellowship with purity and innocence, and the ice trail on the human soul - the seal of modernity, slowly melting. Communicate with nature, a person begins to work, thereby saving yourself from staleness.
Khlusova E. the Charm of Nordic nature // Pushkin Boulevard. - 2003. - No. 8. - S. 12-13