Petrovich Basarev

Georgia • born in 1941

Biography and information

Born in the village of maryns'ke Maharajalela district of Georgia in the family of a carpenter, who after the war moved to the Donetsk region. Basarab studied at the Kharkiv art College, after graduation he continued his education at the sculpture Department of the Kharkov art Institute (1960-1966). In the direction of come to eagle. Successfully combines creativity and teaching for the graphic art faculty of Orel state University, Professor, Department of theory and methodology of fine art. Admitted to the Union of artists in 1970. Participant of numerous zone, Republican and all-Union exhibitions.

In his works the artist focuses on revealing the best qualities of human nature, subjecting this task, plastic solution, the texture of the material, the modeling of forms.

In recent years a lot of work on creating a portrait gallery of historical figures and intellectuals, natives of the Oryol region.

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