Timofeevich Sinyakov

Russia • 1882−1972

He graduated from the Stroganov Uch-school tech. drawing in Moscow (1903), studied at S. A. Vinogradov, K. A. Korovin. In 1903-07 - teacher of painting and drawing in a Higher Nar. Uch-school., 1907-14 in Tver; in 1914-17 - participant 1-St world war. In 1918-35 - teacher of drawing in schools of Tver; in 1939-40 inspector isosc-VA., division of the arts; in 1940-41 deer. Obl. art gallery (1949 BP.and.about the Director); in 1942-43 he worked in the Mari ASSR; in 1945-57 - organizer, dir. and lecturer at Tver. child of the arts. school. Member. Tver. lit. -hudgets. Ob-VA im. I. S. Nikitin (1919), one of the organizers and a member of. Tver. branch AChRs (1928-32), the society "Kalininsky artist" (1932-39, 1943-45), before. of the management Board Calin. organization of the Union of owls. artists (1940-41). The author of the collection of poems "Poems" (1918), "Golden ring" (1922), plays "House" (1934); from 1912 - member of the fine arts. exhibitions in Tver (Kalinin), solo exhibition in 1964. In Tver. region art gallery approx. S. 140 works, among them "Mountain Aypetri" (1920s), "Crimean views. Yalta" "Yalta" (both 1925). Mind. in Kalinin, is buried at the Dmitrovo-cherkasskoe cemetery.

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