
Russia • born in 1963

Born in 1963 in Perm.

In 1984. graduated with honors from the Perm Pedagogical College №4, art-graphic Department.

In 1991. graduated from Odessa state pedagogical Institute.To.D.Ushynsky, art and graphic faculty.Since 2007. a member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia and International Federation of Artists.

Main exhibitions:

2006 - "ART-Perm 2006", 8th international exhibition, Perm.

2006 - personal exhibition "My flower garden", Center for artistic creativity, Chusovoy, Perm region.

2007 - "ART-Perm 2007", 9th international exhibition, Perm.

2007 - "CHA 2007", the 10th international art salon, Moscow.

2008. - "ART Perm 2008", 10th international exhibition, Perm.

2008. – "The magic of composition" exhibition, Gostiny Dvor, Moscow.

Works of the artist are in private collections in Russia, England and Holland.

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