Yurievna Grekova

Russia • born in 1950

Graduated Children's art school №1, the Sverdlovsk art school, the Moscow higher art-industrial school (former Stroganov).

Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1989

Since 1978 participates in city, regional, Russian (Yekaterinburg, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Vladivostok), international (Austria, Israel, Germany, USA) exhibitions.

Hand painting on fabric (silk, wool, cotton) – basic techniques of creative Faith Yurievna.

Her theatrical curtains, panels, screens, curtains adorn the interiors of various cultural institutions, cafes, restaurants, offices, apartments.

Paintings, collections of dresses, some costumes are in museums and private collections, shown at exhibitions, festivals and competitions in Russia and foreign countries.

Grekova, Vera Y. was born in 1950 in Sverdlovsk. Artist of decorative art. Graduated from design Department of the Sverdlovsk art College named. Shadr (1969) and the Moscow higher school of industrial art (former Stroganov) (1978). Since 1989 - member of Union of artists of Russia. Participant of regional, zonal, Republican and international exhibitions.

Main exhibitions:

1991 - Days of France (Moscow, Russia)

1992 – Personal exhibition (Vladivostok, Russia)

1994 Decorative arts (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

1994 – Personal exhibition (Yekaterinburg, Russia)

1994, 1995, and 1995 – Participation in international exhibitions (Germany)

1995 – the White nights (St. Petersburg, Russia)

1995 - Participation in the international exhibition (Italy)

1996, 1997, 2000 – Decorative arts (Yaroslavl, Russia)

1996 - Participation in the international exhibition (Estonia)

1997 - Participation in the international exhibition (Israel)

1998 – Personal exhibition (Yekaterinburg, Russia)

2000 – the First Ural international exhibition of decorative art (Ekaterinburg, Russia)

2001 - Participation in the international exhibition (USA)

2003 - “Ariadne's Thread”, a Joint project of galleries “Region” Art and library. V. G. Belinsky. Ekaterinburg. Russia.

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