Fedorovich Fedorov

Russia • born in 1813

Biography and information

Zavodsky people. Demidov. In 1835 he was sent to Italy at the expense of their owners. In 1843 presented to the Academy a copy of the picture of John. Domino and she received the title of free artist. Having trained in Rome mosaic production, he returned in 1852, in Petersburg, and until 1860 was engaged in the local mosaic school, and then went to Rome, where he died in 1865, He was acquainted with K. Briullov and in Rome used his advice. F. owned a copy of a painting Reni "the Torment of St. Peter the Apostle", written in 30-ies of the XIX century and granted the Academy by Emperor Nicholas I in 1847 (A. Somov, Art gallery Imp. Academy Of Fine Arts)

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