Alexandrovna Shchetinkina

Russia • born in 1950

(R. 17.06.1950, S. Docan Chita region), sculptor, painter, graphic artist, decorative and applied art, member. CX USSR (1980). Before beginning to paint. At the age of 12 years, following the example of her elder sister, who became a profes. an artist, he enrolled at the Kazan art. school. In 1969 he graduated from the Kazan art. Uch-school them. N. I. Feshin (painting and graphics). Studied with E. Zuev, V. Kudelkin. In 1979 he graduated from Moscow. the highest of arts.-prom. Uch-school (ex. Stroganovsky) on a speciality “the artist”. From 1979 to 1987 he worked as the main artist on the South.-Ural. porcelain plant. 1987 in Person. In of arts. city life S work became a noticeable phenomenon. In Person., Magnitogorsk, Moscow there was held 16 persons. exhibitions of the artist. The last time a large place in the work of S. is ceramic. plastic. Their porcelain tea sets are multi-disciplinary, decorated. modeling, is committed to the synthesis of functionality and imagery. In porcelain plastic combines picturesque and graphic. tasks. Carries out its numerous. plans simultaneously. in China and the chart. In the work of Sch coexist strict classical. artistic and colorful decoration, groteskovosti forms solution. task. In the early 1980s, Sch has created a series of works (Fig. pastel, porcelain and composition) by creative impressions. trips to Georgia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, lake Baikal. Symbolic. scope of the work S evident in the sculpt. the compositions of porcelain “Thirty” and “Inspiration” (1988). In the 1980's made the allegorical. sculpture “Painter and the plant”, “Green serpent,” “War and peace”, which joined philosophy. reflections and “naive folk” as a representation of the artist about the world. In the 1990s S. always returns to the same themes (Pushkiniana, N. A. Berdyaev and his work, the gospel stories). The works in this direction formed the basis of persons. exhibition S, dedicated. 200th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Pushkin.

L. A. Sabelfeld

Lit.: Vladimir speshkov “Wipe random features...” // CHR. 1982. March 8; Elena Schetinkina: Paintings, sculptures, drawings: Cat. CA. / Comp. L. A. Sabelfeld. H, 1984; Chelyabinsk organisation of the Union of artists of Russia. 1936-1991.: Ref. / AVT.-comp. O. A. Kudzaev. H, 1996; Radchenko E. each artist has their roses... // CHR. 1999. 9 July; Sabelfeld Schetinkina L. E. A. // Calendar of memorable dates, 2000. Chelyabinsk oblast C., 2000.

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