Михайловна Бескинская

Russia • 1930−1986
Glass artist, teacher, Honored artist of the RSFSR.
S. M. Basinska belongs to the galaxy of people, had a great influence on the whole stage of development of decorative art not only for its work but also its activity — organizational, educational and social.
S. M. Basinska was born in 1930 in Orsha.
1954 — graduated from the Leningrad higher art-industrial school im. V. I. Mukhina.
In 1956 started to work on the art glass factory in Dyatkovo.
In 1957-63 she was the chief painter of Glass and pottery management of the Kalinin economic Council. It was at this time began to develop, gaining creative person glassworks "Red May".
1961 S. M. Basinska began teaching at the Moscow higher school of industrial art (6.Stroganov) at the faculty of monumental-decorative and applied art. Attracting future specialists to the beautiful art of glass, she could, according to H. V. Voronova, "light inspired students to awaken their creative potential, to mobilize, to breathe the belief in themselves."
1966 S. M. Basinska — the chief artist of "Gastello" Ministry of industry of construction materials. That at that time there was created "the Situation of the artist working in the industry," documented to justify the formation of creative teams — a huge merit of S. M. Bakinskoi. Creative day, creative travel at the expense of factories, free schedule for members of the Union of artists working at the factory, all contributed to the expanding horizons, information and professional growth of specialists. On the initiative of S. M. Beschinski was organized on new principles of work of the arts Council "Gastelo". The basis of the work of the Council was a free discussion of experts — artists, art historians, economists and representatives of industry. The purpose of the discussions is reasonably and tactfully to help the factory team of artists in creativity, to support all that is best in their works.
In 1968-1976 S. M. Basinska was Secretary of the Union of artists of the RSFSR. Taking responsibility for the fate of the Soviet decorative-applied art, she has always supported all fundamentally new, creative and unique, because the fate of artists, the fate of art was her destiny. Was Deputy editor of the magazine "Decorative art USSR". In parallel with the active administrative activities, developing a line of copyright glassmaking, S. M. Basinska created art products that became classics and crafts.
For the development of new types of products, from sulphide-zinc glass was awarded a Bronze and a silver medals of VDNKH of the USSR (1959, 1960)
Among the most striking works, it should be noted the sets of "Bessie" and "Official" series of decorative compositions "Flowers of the moon", "Earth Colors" and "Flowers of the Sun", the song "Tverskie Uzory" and "Tver Agatha", "On the shore". Made blown way, these unique works carried a powerful emotional charge, bright spiritual impulse inspired artistic style.
The participant of many all-Union, Republican and international exhibitions (Brussels, 1958; Paris, 1960; Genoa, 1964).
State awards S. M. Beschinski:
1958 — Honorary diploma and a bronze medal at the world exhibition in Brussels.
1968 — the title of Honored zhudozhnik of the RSFSR.
1970 — jubilee medal "For valiant labor".
1971 — the order "badge of Honor".
The work of S. M. Bakinskoi are in the collections of museums:
All-Russian Museum of decorative applied and folk art, Moscow;
Russian Museum, St. Petersburg;
Museum Dyatkovo crystal plant, the Bryansk region;
Museum of the State Institute of glass, Moscow;
Zagorsk state history and art Museum-reserve;
The state Museum of ceramics and "Manor Kuskovo XVIII century", Moscow;
Tver regional picture gallery.
Text and photo: Love Groshkova.
C. Beschinski.
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