He graduated from the Kursk pedagogical. in-t (1966) and State. Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named after I. E. Repin in Leningrad (1976). 1969-70 hood. the restorer, in 1970-72, 1988-95 - art scientific. the employee, in 1972-84, the head of the Department of old Russian. art, 1984-86 - head. Department eng. art 18 - nach. 19 centuries, in 1986-88 and 1995-97 Deputy dir. at the scientific. work Hard. region art gallery. A specialist in the history of the ancient Russian. and eng. art 18 - nach. 19 centuries., he spearheaded the study and description of the collections, contributed to the formation of the gallery of the collections of the archaeological Museum of Aegina.. and drevnerus. monumental painting. G. - one of the authors and compilers of directories: "Kalininskaya regional art gallery" (Moscow, 1987), "New arrivals Kalinin regional picture gallery. 1979-1989." (Tver, 1994), "Romantic Russia: paintings and graphics from the Tver art gallery" (text on the Rus. and Franz. lang., France, 1996),author of articles in the encyclopedia "Tver oblast" (Tver,1994), Yearbook of the USSR "Monuments of culture. New discoveries" (L, 1983, 1986) Zh. "The artist", "Our heritage", "Russian province", etc. G. - corresponding member. CX USSR (1983), commissions the Ministry of culture of the USSR and the Ministry of culture of the RSFSR in the region of a restoration architect. monuments in Kalinin region. (1980). Mind. in Tver, buried at the Dmitrovo-cherkasskoe cemetery.