Mikhailovna Marshumova

Russia • born in 1937

Biography and information

Glass artist, honored. artist of the RSFSR (1987). Graduated From The Leningrad. higher hood.-prom. Uch-school (1964), in 1965-67 artist V.-Volotsky glassworks "Red May", from 1967, the artist of the Tver glass factory. Member. Of the Union of artists of the USSR since 1971, participated in a series of all-Russian, all-Union and international. exhibitions. M. - author of the decor. sculptures of colorless and colored glass together. with M. M. Marsmobil created a new genre wydown. glass. sculpture and glass. adult toys, with the glass tube. DOS. work: sculpture series "Window", "Portrait", "Rich bride" (1973, angry. medal in Czechoslovakia), the decor. composie "Winter bouquet" (1973), "Lower our brothers" (1973), "April" (1983), "Slavic motives" (1985), "Blagovest" (1991), etc., In Tver. picture gallery of decor. ensemble "Jokes" (1970), decor. the song "the meadow" (1978), "nursery rhyme" (1977), "Birds" (1982). and M. - CL. of the Board Hard. organization of the Union of artists of Russia (1983-88).

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