Mikhailovich Shaposhnikov

Russia • 1926−1971

Biography and information

Originally from Homegetting naslega Namsky district. After graduation he studied at the faculty of painting of the Kharkov art Institute. He worked in easel and book graphics, especially a lot of work in linocut, was engaged in etching, pen, painting. Interesting his series "Sacharissa Suite", "World of childhood", etching "Yakut bull". The participant of many Republican, regional, all-Russian, all-Union, foreign exhibitions.

Graphic artist, painter. Lived in Yakutsk. Graduated from the Yakut art. Uch-school, 2 ;years he studied at the Kharkov hood. the Institute. DOS. work – easel graphics, etching and linocut. Participant of exhibitions: region. "Soviet far East" (Khabarovsk, 1964; Vladivostok, 1967; Ulan-Ude, 1969); ; resp. "Artists of Yakutia" will depict. arts and Nar. creativity of the Yakut ASSR (Moscow, 1957), depicted. the art of the Yakut ASSR (Moscow, 1963), "Yakut graphics" (Riga, Daugavpils, 1966), "Artists of Yakutia. Graphics, bone carving" (Moscow, 1968), "Artists of Yakutia", internat. 50-anniversary of the Yakut ASSR (Leningrad, Ufa, 1972), "Soviet Russia" (Moscow, 1965), children's books and book illustrations (Moscow, 1966), prod. artists of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East (Moscow, 1971-1972), Sov. the graphics in MNR (1972). Personal exhibitions. Work sh – NATs. hood. the Museum REP. Of Sakha (Yakutia).

(Source: encyclopedia)

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