Originally from Churapchinsky district, art historian, widely known outside the Republic and Russia. After graduating from College he entered the Leningrad art Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin at the faculty of theory and history of arts. Then, a postgraduate research Institute of theory and history of fine arts of Academy of arts of the USSR in Moscow. In 1961 he defended his thesis on the topic: ""the Fine arts of the Soviet of Yakutia". In 1960-63 he worked at the Institute of language, literature and history of the Yakut branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, since 1972, there was the head of sector of arts. The author of many books and articles on the Yakut fine arts, was Chairman of the Union of artists of Yakutia, Deputy Chairman of the Union of artists of Yakutia. A member of the creative commissions on art criticism and artists 'Union of USSR, artists' Union of Russia, the editorial Board of the journal "the Artist", the exhibition Committee of the zone, "Soviet far East", the Chairman of the press service of the zone, Secretary of the Commission for the State prize of Yakutia named after P. A. Oyunsky. He was elected a Deputy of the Yakut city Council, a Board member of Union of artists of the USSR, was a member of the Commission on State prizes of the RSFSR in the field of literature and art, the delegate of the III and IV congresses of artists of the USSR, II-V congresses of artists of the RSFSR. Accompanied the exhibition of Soviet art in the MPR (1962, 1963), Yakut graphics in Czechoslovakia (1975). He was awarded medals and Honorary diplomas of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR and Yakut ASSR, a member of the artists Union of the USSR from 1964. Honored worker of arts of RSFSR, the candidate of arts, member-correspondent of the Academy of arts of the Russian Federation, co-author of the State emblem of the Republic of Sakha(Yakutia), acting Professor Agikii, the first Director of branch of Krasnoyarsk state art Institute. Popular his books: "art of the Soviet of Yakutia". Leningrad, Khudozhnik RSFSR (1960); "Yakut graphics — album "Athanasius Bungalow". Album-monograph. L, Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1972; "Valerian Vasiliev". Monograph — Leningrad, Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1979; "Artists of Yakutia" — Leningrad, Khudozhnik RSFSR; "Afanasy Osipov" monograph, Moscow, 1998