Associate Professor, member of Union of artists. After graduating in 1978 Sverdlovsk architectural Institute, he worked in design Institute Uralgiprotrans. Engaged in architectural and planning work, the author of the project of planning of residential neighborhood in the city of Sverdlovsk, the number of projects settlements. In 1983-84 he worked as a cartoonist in the animation workshop of the Sverdlovsk television. In 1984 accepted the position of assistant Professor of painting SAI. Working as an artist in the technique of batik. In January 2000, admitted to the Union of artists of Russia. During the work of the Institute participated in the development unit exercises in color painting course for specialization in"Architecture" program planernoy practice program of the new course "Color graphics" specialization "Design of clothes". Many years of plein air directs the practice of the specialties "Architecture" and "Design". Since 1991 teaches in the School of architectural-art creativity USAAA. Participant of many art exhibitions (about 20). Awarded with diplomas of the Russian festival "Zodchestvo" in Moscow, exhibitions of creative works of teachers of higher education institutions of Yekaterinburg.