In 1955 he received his artistic education at the Art school. In 1967 he graduated from the UPI them. S. M. Kirov on the specialty "Architecture".Working in the USAAA 1986 and for 15 years worked as a chief architect of the Institute Agropromproekt. A member of the Union of architects of Russia. According to the developed project to build an experimental demonstration towns Patrushi, Gorodets. In Ekaterinburg built houses with improved planning for individual projects. Awarded by the Executive Committee of the regional Council for significant settlements of the bronze medal of ENEA.
From 1980 he worked at the Ural branch of "Rosmonumentiskusstvo". Performs creative work of stucco porcelain, earthenware, fire clay, marble and bronze.Since 1970 member 30 city, regional, zonal and Republican exhibitions. Participant of international competitions of snow sculptures. Awarded a 2nd degree diploma in 1992
Major works:
the high relief on the dam of the city pond in Historical Park;
decorative signs, symbolizing the city-site of Ekaterinburg (in collaboration);
sculptural and artistic composition of metro station "the Dynamo" "the discus thrower", the moulded plinth on the Olympic theme;
relief of tympanum, 2-figure composition (in collaboration with Maslennikov L. B., Belyaev V. Z.);
memorial to soldiers killed in world war II, a sculptural multi-figured composition in collaboration with sculptor Anisimov A. B.