Silantevna Zolotukhina

Russia • 1924−1997

(10.9.1924, S. Urulyunguy Zab lips. — 19.9.1997, village Atamanovka Cheat. district), Amateur artist. After finishing seven years of school he worked as a driver, mechanic. 1981 participated in the region, Rep. exhibitions of Amateur art. The winner of the all-Union exhibition devoted to the 40 anniversary of the Victory. Personal exhibition in Chita (1989, 1994). Worked in the genres of still life, landscape, portrait, animalism. A sense of rhythm and color, expressive drawing, bright color of her graphic works are in tune with the elegance and decoration eng. of splint. Works are in KOHM.

(Manakova E. G.)

Lit.: Calendar of memorable dates Cheat. . 1994 — Chita, 1994.

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