Andreevich Barakhatov

Russia • born in 1941

Born in the city of Gurievsk Kemerovo region. In childhood Yuri Andreevich started drawing and fell in love with the Siberian nature, taiga. Drawing was engaged in a circle of fine art at the club Guryevsky metallurgical plant. Led circle artist Lukanin Konstantin Trofimovich. It was under his leadership in 1955, Yuri Andreevich was awarded the First prize at the IX all-Union exhibition of children's fine art in Moscow for the sculptural composition "the Calf".

After school, Yuri Andreevich went to a Military school and dedicated himself to service in the Soviet Army. During the service was in many places of the Soviet Union. The service finished in 1991 in the far East in the rank of Colonel. During one of the missions for Yuri Andreevich was in Vladimir, and he liked the Vladimir region, and he chose the city of Vladimir a place later in life.

After the service, my free time began to devote to drawing. The main theme of his works - Vladimir nature. Especially a lot of topics in papers given to places in the village Kochukova (near the village of Kurilovo), where Yuri Andreevich spends a lot of time from early spring to late autumn. Met with the Vladimir artists. In 2002 he was admitted to the club Vladimir artists "Kolorit". Communication in the club with like-minded people much expanded the horizons of Yuri A. as an artist. In the club he participated in various exhibitions. The plans are still many outstanding themes for new works.

Yuri Andreevich big family: two children and five grandchildren.

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