Vasilyevich Morozov

Russia • 1901−1972

He was born on August 9 (22), 1901 in the village of Molotitsy, Murom uyezd, in Vladimir province into a family of hereditary blacksmiths. In 1913 he graduated with honors from the village school. Being left-handed, he did not go into blacksmithing.

on April 28, 1917, he graduated with honors from Murom Second Higher Elementary School. For some time he was engaged in the art studio of the academician of painting I. С. Kulikov at the teacher P.I. Tselebrovsky. In 1919 he joined the Komsomol and became the organizer and secretary of the first Komsomol cell in the village of Molotitsy.

From 1920 to 1924 he was in the Red Army.

In 1921 he was enrolled as a cadet in the Military-Political School. At the same time he attended the studios of Moscow teachers - in 1922, a special art studio of M. V. LeBlanc, and in 1924, the art studio of F. I. Rerberg.

In 1930 he established business contact with the All-Union House of Folk Art named after Krupskaya, fulfilling program assignments by correspondence, sending sketches, still lifes and sketches. In 1938 he wrote his diploma work, stopping at the scene where Vladimir Ulyanov and his sister Anna are listening attentively to their mother playing the piano. The graduation work was highly appreciated by artists E. E. Lanceret, A. V. Moravov and V. С. Svarog.

In 1934, on the recommendation of I. S. Kulikov, the artist was accepted into the Union of Artists of the USSR.

During the Great Patriotic War, the artist was engaged in battle scenes: he created a number of sketches about the heroism of Soviet soldiers, the life of toilers on the home front, and later wrote the epic landscape "Route Kuibyshev-Moscow," where a large canvas depicts a winter pine forest.

In the 1940s and 1950s, the artist worked in the Murom Museum of Local Lore and in the city art studio.

He died on May 18, 1972, in Murom.

From 1924 to 1929, he participated in two All-Russian and one All-Union exhibitions. The work of the artist was awarded a diploma of the Central Committee of the Komsomol and the first prize.

Since 1935 the artist was a regular participant of republican, union, zonal, regional, city and interdistrict exhibitions. His best paintings, for example, "V. Lenin listening to his mother's play", "Razrechivka forest", "The meeting of a mother when leaving the maternity hospital", portrait of N.K. Krupskaya, "Meeting", "Chkalov on the Volga", "Handing the act for eternal use of land", "M.V. Lomonosov in Denisovka" are reproductions.

From 1948 to 1961 the artist participated in 23 exhibitions of which 8 were city and 10 were regional. In the village of Molotitsy the artist organized several personal exhibitions.

In 2001, in Murom, for the 100th anniversary of the artist's birth, his personal exhibition was held.

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