He graduated from art school and now lives and works in Vladimir. The continuer of original Vladimir landscape school of painting founded by recognized masters Uchenym and Britovi. It is thin feels beauty and character of the Russian land, not striking fields and coppices - all what quiet provincial life is full. Characteristic for the Vladimir school a landscape major, rich color, texture of writing. Participant of regional exhibitions. The artist's work sold at auction in Moscow and London, are in many private collections in Russia and abroad.
Vladimir artist, was born on 26 Feb 1965 in Salavat, Bashkir SSR.
Graduated from art school №1 in Moscow, now lives and works in Vladimir.
The continuer of original Vladimir landscape school of painting founded by recognized masters Uchenym and Britovi.
It is thin feels beauty and character of the Russian land, not striking fields and coppices - all what quiet provincial life is full.
Characteristic for the Vladimir school a landscape major, rich color, texture of writing.
Participant of group exhibitions in Moscow and Vladimir.
Exhibition in Central house of artists, October 2009.
Information about the artist is in international bases and ratings on art (artprice, findartinfo, artinvestment.ru)
The artist's works are in the collections of MDM banks, Roskredit, firms Gazprom, Electrolux, Samsung.
Selling at auction Gelos, Christies .