Antipovich Fedosov

Russia • born in 1929

Born village Spicy-Onions, Duhovnikov district, Saratov region.

War of 1941-1945 destroyed dreams of becoming a professional artist. These dreams stirred many years. Saratov land was given for creativity and a wealth of material. When the guns fell silent and the country was at peace, Fedosov received the correspondence Department of national University of culture named after Krupskaya (Moscow). Finished primary and high course. But the work, then service in army did not leave enough time for painting. In 1965, the Fedosov family arrived at the residence to Vladimir. Our city, its surroundings, ancient cities of the Vladimir land like the artist, was inspired to creative activity. In his paintings appeared architectural landscapes of the regional center, the hierarchy. Suzdal, the diversity of nature in Vladimir region. The picture Suzdal was depicted the South-Western part. Across the river Kamenka on the high Bank visible from the convent of St. Alexander, in the floodplain of the river - Pokrovsky monastery, on the steep slopes of the Spaso-Evfimievskii. "This corner of the land of Suzdal surprised me with its Regal grandeur. Here it is, Holy Russia," - says the artist.

In 1977 Fedosov became one of the founders of the Vladimir city club of artists "Kolorit", his active member, participant in all activities. In 1987 his painting "Run of the century" was shown at the national exhibition of economic achievements. Attracts spectators painting "Bogolubovo". The fact that many artists wrote the exterior of the monastery, and Fedosov has depicted a complex of buildings of the inner part of the monastery grounds, in order to fully display the character of buildings of the XII century, a kind of uniqueness and beauty. I wonder of the author's work "Stone chronicle of Vladimir." In the center of the painting the Golden gate and around - known to every resident of Vladimir, the former water tower.Lunacharskogo, Saviour and Church of St. George, former pioneer Palace, Uspensky and Dmitrievsky cathedrals, the Cathedral of the Knyaginin monastery, the House of officers, Palace of culture and Vasa Tochmash and others. All these buildings are linked into a single unit and thus create a General impression about our city. The whole composition is arranged with a view of the bend of the Klyazma and zaklyazmenskiy meadows. The top picture on the background of clouds painted icon of Vladimirskaya mother of God - patroness and patroness of our city since the time of Andrei Bogolyubsky. Its original image of Vladimir painting attracts residents and foreign tourists.

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