Still Life with Beer and Vobla (Beer Still Life)

Vladimir Vasilyevich Plastinin • Graphics, 03.11.1973, 23.8×40.8 cm
About the artwork
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Art form: Graphics
Subject and objects: Still life
Technique: Color pencil
Materials: Paper
Date of creation: 03.11.1973
Size: 23.8×40.8 cm
Owner: NVP -

Description of the artwork «Still Life with Beer and Vobla (Beer Still Life)»

Beer still life.
The painting depicts the date November 3, 1973.
Here he is a typical still life of the Soviet period - modest and simple, even poor in some ways.
The composition of the still life is unpretentious, but very characteristic of those times - the time of scarcity and total limitation and cramped life in everything. Bread, cucumbers, beer bottles, roach... By the way, it was not easy to buy vobla in Vladimir at that time-it was never available in stores, and beer lovers, as a rule, had to make do with the local fishermen's catch.

Why did the artist compose this particular still life? After all, he himself was neither a follower nor a frequenter of beer or alcoholic meals in general. On the contrary, he had a very negative attitude to drinking and drinkers, which sometimes caused the rejection of some colleagues in the "shop".
What thought did the author put into his work? What did he want to show? The squalor of Soviet life at the time? Or the wretchedness of those drinking fellow citizens who lived from one such "still life" to the next? In any case, it turned out to be a picture of one of the moments of life of that period.

The work is done in colored pencil and it is clear that the artist is a master of this technique. And not just owns, but loves colored pencils and works with them quite a lot. Strong bold lines, beautifully conveyed shapes of objects, even with some stylization; harmonious color solution.
The still life has a peculiar combination of simplicity of content and refinement of forms. One gets the impression that each object in this still life has its own character. The windows reflecting in the bottles are like eyes facing the viewer. And here it is no longer a "dead nature", but a group of drinking buddies gathered to celebrate another "holiday. It is not for nothing that there are three main characters in the center of the still life - three bottles as a symbol of the sacramental notion of the Soviet times, "to drink for three". And no matter that it is beer and not vodka, it is clear that alcohol in general is meant.
And in the background, as the antithesis of alcohol, a jug of clean water. And in this one can sense the author's true attitude to the problem of drunkenness - negative and judgmental.