Ivanovich Kaloshin

Russia • 1927−2005

Biography and information

Born in the village of Istok Spas-Klepiki district, Ryazan region. In 1945 he graduated from high school. Learning in wartime, from the 8th class was at Spassky, and then in Selecky military camps, where young people were prepared to be sent to the front.

At the end of the school enrolled in the Vladimir infantry school. The desire to paint, the desire to study art led to the departure from school. Served as a private, and after 8 years again entered infantry school and graduated with the rank of Lieutenant. The appointment was given to the city of Ostrogozhsk, home of the painter Kramskoy. Life revolved around art gallery of archaeology but after 2 years - Astrakhan. In 1966 graduated from Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named after Ilya Repin in Leningrad.

During the postwar demobilization left the army and with his family, three children moved to Ryazan, where he started working as a Director of the Ryazan house of the artist. Started this creative life. Esenin places. At this time, were born the picture on Yesenin, his lyrics, Russian nature the homeland of Yesenin.

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