Alekseevich Ajinjal

Russia • born in 1962

Biography and information

Born in 1962 in Abkhazia, S. Kutol Ochamchira district, the son of high school teacher. Was fond of painting and graphics of the first drawing lessons received from his father. After secondary school he entered the Sukhumi art school (1978). In those same years appeared the first publication of the art articles.

Graphic artist, painter, art historian, Kiev, 1962, p. Kuta, Ochamchirsky R-n (Abkhazia).

3акончил CFS, 1982-87 he studied at the Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov at the Department of "art History". Defended the diploma in the history of the Abkhaz art (hands. Professor A. I. Morozov). 1987-92 worked well. "Apsny of anasara" (the Art of Abkhazia). The author of more than 150 statei in Abkhazian and Russian media. In parallel is engaged in book and magazine graphics. From 1993 lives and works in Kiev. Member of solo and group exhibitions in Abkhazia, Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Shveitsarii, France, USA, etc.

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