Petrovna Shinkarenko

Russia • born in 1930

Born in 1930 in Novorossiysk. In 1950 he graduated from Odessa state art school (ceramic Department). 1950 - 1955 g.. - the artist in the porcelain factory "Red farforist". In 1955 - artist in SYKE. Gives samples of forms and patterns (mainly majolica) for mass production: biscuit dishes, sweets bowls, vases, the device "Home", a teapot with a Cup. the device "Son-in-law and mother-in-law", Suwannee mug "Moscow pet", "Grandchildren of Lenin", damask Rose, signature table service, condiment sets, bread baskets "Curls", brooches. At domestic and foreign exhibitions exhibited pancake set "Birds" dessert "Lace", set of household utensils "Bread", the device is "Wedding", etc. a member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

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