Petrovna Akimova

Russia • born in 1965

Biography and information

She was born August 14, 1965 in g . Zaporozhye (Ukrainian SSR, the Ukrainian Republic) member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1996. The designer; the artist of decorative-applied art, works in the technique of painting on fabrics; drawn to painting; teacher.

He studied at the design Department at the Donetsk art school (1980-1984) G. A. Troyanova, L. V. Tkachenko, Department of design of interiors, exhibitions and advertisements in the Kharkov art-industrial Institute (1984-1990) V. V. Bondarenko, V. A. Narasan, V. P. Guryanov.

In Kemerovo since 1990. Since moving in Kemerovo and currently works in the Kemerovo art school, teaches in the Department of design. Participant in exhibitions since 1986