Yakovlevich Kozlenko

Russia • born in 1932

Biography and information

Member of the Union of artists of Russia. In 1970 he was awarded the jubilee medal “For valiant labor in commemoration of 100 - anniversary of birth of V. I. Lenin.” In 1986 he was awarded the title “Veteran of labor”. Born in 1932 in Salair. In 1952 he entered the Odessa art school at the pedagogical Department, after graduating returned to his hometown.

In 1963, the composer moved to Moscow and got a job as a painter in the artistic production workshops of the Kemerovo branch of art Fund of RSFSR. 1993. in 1996. Three years of his life he devoted to the children, worked as a teacher of special disciplines in the children's art school №3.

N. I. Kozlenko is the author and performer of many monumental works. His rich inner world filled with significant events, experiences and feelings from encounters with nature and interesting people. The range of his work varied. A true artist in constant search, so Nikolai Yakovlevich successfully tries himself in different artistic genres. Painting, he tries his hand at sculpture and wall paintings.

Your attitude, admiration for the defenders of the homeland, the composer was able to Express in a number of monuments to the fallen heroes in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945.

The most famous picture N. I. Kozlenko "Fedor Belov". There are paintings dedicated to our coal edge, for example: "the cut".

Great diligence, commitment, optimism, vitality and openness of the people combined in this man with a big insistence to itself, the desire to achieve more. For many years he engaged in the construction of children's snow towns in Belovo.

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