Dmitrievna Balmina

From the interview:

...artist-designer, creative member of four unions, the author of three books, twice an immigrant, the mother of one son.

...was born in Odessa in the second half of the last century, there was in school N105 and art school named after M. B. Grekov, and in the city of Kharkov graduated from art-industrial Institute. In 1990 I went to Israel and almost 10 years of living in tel Aviv, which is really like. In Israel 90-ies was a unique literary situation. We, Russian-speaking writers (and readers) have come back from the collapse of the USSR - visible-invisible. We were in a new country, new environment, new language environment. I've had many published. I was in favor as literary establishment and literary underground. In Israel, at the expense of the President's Fund for promotion of culture was published 3 of my books of poems and a novel. For seven years in my apartment, or rather on its roof on Friday after sunset was going Russian-writing poets, writers, journalists, and artists, actors. It was a kind of club where you could go, to try out on the public a new text, argue about politics or literature, just drink and relax with friends. Unfortunately, due to illness of my mom (and my parents lived in the US), I had to move in with them. Since 2000 I live in new York, where my son was born. The local literary community has made me cooler. And time for what is called a Bohemian existence, absolutely not. Gradually getting used to his new role - the role of the mother.

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